患者,女,53岁 主诉:尿频1年余,发现子宫肌瘤7月余
于入院前1年余无明显诱因出现 尿频,无尿急尿痛,未重视。
于2022年06月因阴道分泌物增多就诊我科门诊,行彩超检 查提示多发子宫肌瘤(最大7.2×7.1cm)、子宫内膜增厚(1.2cm),嘱定期复查,必 要时手术治疗。于09月24日我院门诊复查彩超提示多发子宫肌瘤(最大7.4×7.2cm)、 子宫内膜增厚(1.2cm),建议手术治疗,患者未重视。
于入院前10余天自觉尿频加 重,伴下腹部坠胀,无阴道流血流液,无恶心呕吐,大便正常,昨日就诊我院,要求进 一步治疗,遂以“子宫肌瘤”收住入院。发病来,患者食欲睡眠可,精神一般,体重无 明显下降。
Horseshoe kidney with a 6 mm stone at the right ureterovesical junction (UVJ). There is dilatation of the upstream collection system with stranding and a small amount of free fluid anterior to the right renal pelvis and proximal ureter, compatible with rupture and urine leak into the peritoneal space.
The left-sided collecting system is not dilated.
The appendix is normal.
Case Discussion
Persons with horseshoe kidneys are at higher risk for renal calculi than the average population (~20% lifetime risk). Because of the ectopic exit of the ureters from the horseshoe kidney, the increased risk of stones has been thought to be due to urine stasis rather than abnormalities of the renal parenchyma. Some think that a combination of relative urinary stasis and metabolic abnormalities in the horseshoe kidney are required for stone formation.
Horseshoe kidney with a 6 mm stone at the right ureterovesical junction (UVJ). There is dilatation of the upstream collection system with stranding and a small amount of free fluid anterior to the right renal pelvis and proximal ureter, compatible with rupture and urine leak into the peritoneal space.
The left-sided collecting system is not dilated.
The appendix is normal.
Case Discussion
Persons with horseshoe kidneys are at higher risk for renal calculi than the average population (~20% lifetime risk). Because of the ectopic exit of the ureters from the horseshoe kidney, the increased risk of stones has been thought to be due to urine stasis rather than abnormalities of the renal parenchyma. Some think that a combination of relative urinary stasis and metabolic abnormalities in the horseshoe kidney are required for stone formation.